Communication from the book 1/2 – Differences

The Communication of the Abogado 1/2 – Difference

Since 2014, subscribers must be registered. If this communication is authorized, without embargo, it will be strictly entered into text messages. Please note that you will not be able to communicate in different ways to understand your message (we are talking about this in a future article).

Hoy en día, en el tumulto general, y cualquiera que se el mercado que haya elegido, es probable que ses prospects de elección se vean mermadas. Therefore, it is necessary to uncover a message that attracts your attention: it will be the only one that will serve your loved ones.

Differentiate to exist 

How it was explained (Article 2), present as “abogado de derecho de familia”, “abogado de derecho administrativo” or “abogado de derecho laboral” es un bon comienzo. Unfortunately, this will not be enough to allow it to emerge. It is important to construct a distinctive message to be quickly noted and identified.

Therefore, an abogado laboralista can be placed as a defender of the employees or, on the other hand, as a defender of the employers. A derecho de family can communicate with a particular aspect (international divorces, etc.). An abogado penalista may, by reason, present as an abogado defender or abogado of the civil party. In terms of commercial derecho, we offer the possibility of presenting a circumscribed offer such as intellectual property, businesses in difficulties or, for example, criminal commercial derecho. Well, all the areas of the derecho are presented as an exercise of focus.

Según el mercado al que se direja, puede ser relevant reforzar su compencias adaptándolas. With a rural license, you can practice urban planning with a major in the agricultural world. A personal title, no one wants to use it exclusively in the rural environment, my installation in a nearby area in the countryside has allowed me to perfect my skills in this environment.

Simplification and haciendo accessible to your message

To understand and understand, please be sure to present your message to those interested in what happens. To simplify your message, consider how to present your activities to your fathers (or friends). Is it described as “an abogado specialized in labor labor for employees” or “an abogado that defends employees in addition to conflicts with their employees”? As an abogado penalista, you can decide whether to accompany the civil parties from the presentation of the request until the ejection of the sentence. As the abogado of intellectual property, you can decide that businesses need to protect their brands, etc.

Your presentation will be much easier if you have reflected well on your offering, your skills and your motivations (see articles 1 and 2). This presentation is the continuation of the previous steps outlined (resumed definition of its offering, comparison with the market, improvement of its offering, which is seen as “notable”).

If you become a notable and disruptive marketing expert, invite us to discover the marketing vision of Seth Godin, author of “La vaca purpura” book-the-purple-cow-by-seth-godin/.

As the training has been approved, it may be that my advice is largely due to our concerns. It is true that Seth Godin has inspired many more recent creative companies that have many more first-line creators. Probably it was skeptical or was preoccupied. No one sits down. It's perfectly normal to have everything! No worries, an offer that does not include your item will be easy to change and return. Y si falla, no hay problema. Before we had it, Thomas Edison never failed to “encounter 10.000 solutions that didn’t work”. The new intellectual and intangible trading window is one that we cannot convert into a new machine to create a manufactured product that takes 3 years of investigation and development. Take your offer and see it!

Furthermore, even if it is impeded, at least in principle, we must work in other camps that we have proposed. But it is an “object” that allows it to express a dynamic, a color, in a word: a firmament. The following step will be used as many communication devices as possible to recognize this firm.  

About the Author

lawyer entrepreneur

Presentation and introduction by maestra Chloé Schmidt-Sarels.

Graduated from CAPA in 2012, we do not want to consider it absolute. Así que empecé my professional career as the legal manager of a new business.

Después de une experiencia muy enriquecedora, la necesidad de autonomy y una cierta nostalgia del derecho público llevaron a establecerme commemo abogado liberal.