Jarvis Legal USA under Hurricane Harvey

Everyone knows that Houston, Texas is experiencing massive flooding due to Hurricane Harvey. However, we know less that we have the headquarters of the American subsidiary Jarvis Legal USA in Houston. Find here et here other news from our American subsidiary.

Located on the 22nd floor, our offices have not a drop of rain are of course dry. However, the car park, road access and elevators are completely out of service. Fortunately, no casualties or injuries have been reported, the whole team is doing well. Of course, vigilance is required as mentioned in this tweet from the American Coast Guard.

The picture below is a few blocks from our building. A height of 4 to 6m of water is reported by the American media.

Jarvis Legal USA works perfectly despite flooding

However, thanks to our SaaS tools and the mobility of our teams, everyone works remotely, from other American cities not affected by the tragedy (Atlanta in particular).

Our applications (web, mobile apps) are hosted in different datacenters American and have experienced no interruption. Our support and technical teams work using software and portable IT equipment. In fact, no difficulty or inconvenience is experienced by our American customers who still use our Jarvis Legal application on a daily basis.


The situation is not going to improve in the short term unfortunately. In fact, the hurricane moves very slowly (around 4 km/h) and dumps more than 50 cm of water per day. The peak is scheduled for August 30 and September 1.