Mobile management solution: essential element of the augmented lawyer

A modern concern if ever there was one, finding the balance between professional and private life sometimes tends to become a real headache for lawyers, or even a nice but all in all quite utopian idea. However, mobile practice management solutions exist today to make your daily life easier and allow a better balance between personal and professional life.


Daily constraints of lawyers

With our lives moving at 100 miles per hour, there is no time. Problem universally shared by all professionals! And this is all the more true for women, on whom the majority of the mental and physical burden of managing the household still rests. And when managing the home also involves children, the daily can quickly turn into a headache: canteen, homework, nanny/nursery, extracurricular activities, etc. For lawyers, managing the multiple facets of their private and professional lives without one encroaching on the other is often a real balancing act... When it does not lead to dilemmas and even difficult sacrifices.

The Equality and Diversity commission of the union of Business Lawyers (ACE) and the association Moms at the helm conducted a national survey in 2018 among lawyers. 41% of professionals believe they have difficulty reconciling professional and private life and 28% plan to leave the profession to be able to achieve this. The impact of parenthood on professional life is particularly revealing: 83,5% of female lawyers say they are pushed to adapt their relationship to work (for example, recourse to teleworking, reduction in social life, arrangement of working time at 80%, etc.). Finally, 85,5% of respondents consider motherhood to be an obstacle to their career.

Many specificities specific to the profession explain the difficulties in maintaining an already precarious balance. Among them, we can cite the persistence of a certain culture of presenteeism in office involving extended hours and shortened weekends. A reality from another time that is increasingly being called into question by younger people who have barely arrived in the profession... And yet, it is not so easy to change mentalities! The influence of the mode of practice should also not be neglected: the beginnings of a collaborative career like the individual exercise of the profession are vectors of a workload more important than that resulting from the status of salaried lawyer.

Today, we no longer want to have to choose. Even if we are passionate about our work, reconciling professional and personal life should no longer become an option. For this, there are innovative solutions that can allow you to better organize your daily life and remain efficient.


Do you really need to be physically present?

By choosing Jarvis Legal, you have access to a practice management solution that no longer literally chains you to the practice. By integrating the latest technologies, it becomes easy to work wherever you are... In the doctor's waiting room for the youngest, at home teleworking or while waiting for their turn at the court hearing!

This is possible thanks to theapplication mobile by Jarvis, compatible with iOS and Android, which allows you to carry your cabinet in your pocket. You can take advantage of downtime to respond to your emails or communicate with your colleagues. Easy to use, it allows you to centralize all useful information in the same place on your smartphone or tablet.

The advantage of mobile solutions also lies in the fact that they are hosted on the cloud. As a direct result, you can access your office from any computer. In addition to mobility, the cloud has other advantages. Reputed to be more secure than a local storage solution, particularly thanks to data encryption, it helps reduce cyber risks.

Send documents to a client securely or consult the details you are missing on a file in the Jarvis drive: wherever you are, you remain productive and efficient. The tools integrated into the Jarvis Legal management solution (emails, calendar, etc.) synchronize automatically to avoid wasted time linked to more up-to-date information. You can also work offline, on the train or the plane. In short, wherever and whenever you want!

Adopting mobile practice management solutions is one of the keys to a better life balance for lawyers. Integrating these innovative tools into your daily life allows you to become the augmented lawyer of tomorrow to increase your flexibility and manage what can be done remotely.