Occupazione: Avvocato Imprenditore #1

Profession: Avvocato Imprenditore – The definition of what was offered - #1

In occasion of a series of articles, Master Chloé Schmidt-Sarels, utente di Jarvis Legal, ci narta la sua visione dell'avvocato, un imprenditore soprattutto. 

lawyer entrepreneur

Presentation and introduction by Maestro Chloé Schmidt-Sarels.

Dopo laurea in CAPA nel 2012, non avevo alcun desiderio di esercitare la professione di avvocato. Così ho initiate my professional career as a legal responsibility for a start-up.

Dopo un'perienza molto arricchente, un bisogno di autonomia e una certa nostalgia per il diretto pubblico mi hanno portato a stabilirmi comme avvocato liberale.

My cosa fare? If you don't have any sound but pass through the scatola of the collaboration, you still have this crazy idea to create an activity on your own.

I can do my internship at a fatto during my studio in Paris when I was there for a while as I asked for new advice in a city where I could define a legal desert and all the interior of a piccolissimo bar (100 avvocati, 300 volte meno che a Paris: another world!)

Nessuna esperienza, nessuna clientela, nessuna rete: sarei stato uno di avvocati che appendono il vestito dopo popo a anno?

Before you do it, you should take some of the ingredients and add a sort of imprenditorial applicability.

However, the situation tends to change, even if it ends “impregnator” not necessarily part of the DNA of our profession.

Anyway, there is one part of the success of our brothers and sisters. For example, Corinne Lepage has responded to a giornalista who has done it in his legal studio like an impregnator, che non sapeva “come fanno quelli che non lo fanno”.

Which phrase is my entry into the test and my guide.

Ecco perché sono felice di poter condividere la mia esperienza di avvocato d’impresa.

If you offer a series of articles that are available and you have successfully installed them, please be sure to have one of my collaborators.

Condividerò with my life state and my life state, the mode in which defines my offer, the level of communication, management instruments It facilitates my daily life and how it manages the financial and administrative side.

Define your offer, the first step is essential

“Vedrai, i clienti sceglieranno te”, “Dovrai takere tutti i file che arrivalno”. Queste sono le parole gentili e/o preoccupate che alcuni dei miei colleghi mi hanno detto.

Even though my expectations are limited, you should be happy to attend the university. Also know what you don't care about and what you don't want to do. I will then be discussed between the criminal, commercial and criminal law.

Non mi ero costituito come avvocato indipendente in modo che miei clienti potessero dettare le mie scelte.

Così mi sono detto che avrei fatto di tutto perché i casi da me trattati mi andassero bene e che la mia attività non sarebbe stata modellata dai miei clienti, ma da me, al servizio dei miei clienti. Così ho deciso, passo dopo passo.

The first request from the speaker is: “What’s the sound and what I sing?” What is my initial training? ».

Who I am? Cosa mi spinge?

L'idea di praticare l'urbanistica e il diretto ambientale mi è comes suddenly in mente.

It's the first time you travel to this picturesque city in a semi-rural area in the middle of a large urban area, but you have fun with the environment and have a (nearly) zero risk in your daily life.

Come avvocati, in tutti i settori, abbiamo la fortuna di poterci mettere a volte al servizio di cause (o persone) che daranno più significato alla nostra professione.

However, it is necessary that some of these colors are in your heart and that you dare to choose a particular color that is still a part of our passion, allowing differences. By the way, this coerenza is a good way to be more happy and more efficient 🙂

What is my background? Devo deepen alcuni aspetti?

Finished with the master, it's all general. These are specialists in one of the master's lively dishes. Obviously, my training in general government management lasts 6 years, but it is not sufficient to enable me to apply for the profession in urban planning and environmental management.

Appena mi sono insediata, ho quindi decided to form in rural direction with a university laureate and poi di andare other with a second Master 2 in urban planning and environmental direction.

This training has my faith, my face is easy to carry and my fat person has grown up.

Differentiate yourself

A precise and special offer which is contradistinguished. Vi reassicurerà tanto quo reassicurerà il cliente.

I have given general advice to its end. The increase in agreement and the growing technicality of many things are simply not permitted more. However, I do not believe that we accept our credibility and our responsibility when confronted with the customer.

One thing that defines it as “dominant” for the activity of your studio, and at other times, dettagliatelo: per type of case (consulenza or content), per type of cliente (aziende, individui, enti locali, associazioni, etc.).

Siamo fortunati ad essere indipendenti. Please take advantage of this opportunity to find the area where you are most interested.

Naturally, it follows that you will be assured that your desire is a rich one or a friend! Do not speak to my prossimo article.